
A record of my thoughts on the books I've read.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Relaxation Response by Herbert Benson, MD

Dr Benson is a cardiologist who started to examine the possibility that hypertension might be relieved by the mind activating the parasympathetic nervous system. His research concluded that it is indeed possible, and he wrote this little book on what he calls the Relaxation Response. In it he shows how anybody can learn to "relax" in a very specific way that will have measureable medical benefits.

The Scramble for Africa by Thomas Pakenham

In today's intenational politics there is a lot of talk about the poverty in Africa, mismanagement, and democracy. Yet very seldom is the origin of the African states metioned. A mere 50 years ago practically the whole of Africa was administered as colonies of the Great Powers. Today these colonies are trying to survive as independent states, unregarded victims of the Cold War.

The Scramble for Africa is a narrative history on how these colonies came into being. The central character in the story, unbelievable as it might sound, is Leopold, King of Belgium.