Return with Honor by Captain Scott O'Grady with Jeff Coplon
Scott O'Grady ejected from his F-16 fighter aircraft over Bosnia on 2 June 1995, after it was hit by an SA-6 anti-aircraft missile. He was rescued on the 8th of June, by a team of US Marines.
Despite the dust jacket blurb, Captain O'Grady's story is not too harrowing. He had been taught the rules of survival, and survived because of that. He moved at night, staying hidden during the day. His main problems were cold and thirst.
The book is a good read, and seems to some extent to be a US Air Force recruitment publication. Not surprising, really, because he would not have been free to publish at will while still serving. Nevertheless, O'Grady is a patriotic and loyal American, and I believe the story accurately reflects his values. The story is as much about the escape as about O'Grady's career in the Air Force. It gradually builds the picture of what made him believe that his people would come to fetch him. This belief, as much as his tenacity, is what made his rescue possible.
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